Posts Tagged ‘tips’


Finances can put my stomach into knots at the best of time. Add in a generous serving of HMRC, an incompetent bank, an unwanted Limited Company, incomprehensible tax laws, accountants that never reply to emails and an inefficient payroll department, and frankly it is enough to send me over the edge. Or over to the beige side at least. I was doing some serious self-medicating yesterday. Foolishly, because self-medicating makes me feel worse than I did, before the day is through, and I kind of enjoyed the discomfort by way of penance for my foolishness…note to self…harmony..harmony….harmony between what I know and what I do…..

You don’t have to practice yoga to know that deep breathing has a calming affect upon us. Everyone knows that. “Take a deep breath“…….You can actually feel the tensed up muscles relaxing, and I can almost visualise the life giving oxygen flooding my system. I have even read that deep breathing- with a clean diet of course!- can aid in some small way with weight loss or weight maintenance.


Firstly because deep breathing increases your metabolism (supposedly) and maintains it throughout the day; other benefits then, can include greater energy levels and mental clarity (Again- with clean eating and good sleep routines  for optimum levels of  energy and an alert mind)

Secondly, when you are stressed, your body releases adrenaline  and cortisol.  Adrenaline helps your fat cells release energy (glucose) for a fight-or-flight. Cortisol helps produce glucose from proteins as an  extra back-up. The problem is not an occasional flight-or-flight “rush”. the problem is when you are almost constantly stressed, for various reasons.   This leads to an almost constant state of excess cortisol production. Excess cortisol stimulates glucose production. This excess glucose then typically ends up as stored fat.

There are a number of research studies that have shown that fat cells can, in the presence of too much adrenaline, become resistant to the effects of adrenaline. . In other words, eventually, they won’t release the fat that the adrenaline “tells” them to, but through the presence of high cortisol, they’re more responsive to fat storage.   At the same time, high levels of circulating cortisol increase the risk of obesity and increased fat storage — and particularly, abdominal obesity, one of the most dangerous types of obesity, and one that contributes to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease.

To this we add, that in times of stress, we tend to “self-medicate” like I was yesterday (ironic phrase) with foods that are either high-fat, high-sugar, or both. Or perhaps we self-medicate with drinks like caffeinated drinks, coffee, alcohol or sugary drinks, which either throw our blood sugar out of whack or increase cortisol levels in our system once again.

In short friends……Eat clean. Breathe deeply.  Love.

And -when relevant- get a decent accountant.

How to help your kids eat more fruit and veggies (Dull title, exciting quest!)

No really, it’s exciting. It doesn’t need to take over your life (nor should it) But while we try and foster the best development of their mind, spirit, self-esteem….let us not forget their body! So here are some tips. I aint no expert, and certainly not the perfect example, but some of these may work for you, just like they have (sometimes) worked for me!

1. Sneak ’em  I was a stealth onion and garlic user in my kitchen for many a long month, it always got blended in, since Ellie found a piece of onion in her food and said “eeeeuh, what’s this thing with LINES on it??!!” You can sneak all sorts of things in when it’s blended in- celery, red lentils, peppers, onion, garlic, and all sorts of other delights.. It all makes for a more harmonious mealtime 🙂  And they are eating foods that they would normally fuss over. I know of people who sneak beetroot or courgette into their chocolate cake too.

2. Don’t sneak ’em That said, neither do you want to be always hiding your veggies like they are some dirty secret 🙂 One day when Ellie was telling me how “allergic” she was to onion (ie- she hates it) I felt duty bound to inform her that almost everything I made had onion and garlic in. I told her I blended it in, and it was actually delicious, and at that she was content. Sometimes we sneak lots of veggies in to get them an extra nutritious meal. But also, the point is not just vitamins (for me) The point is for them to get used to eating different things at the table in a group and in some cases, realise that they are actually tastier than they supposed. To do this, they need to confront their greens, as greens! Or whatever they may be. So don’t always sneak ’em….

3.Grow ’em I wrote a post about this once (here) I am not much of a gardener. While I blame my small rented garden,  I know that amazing things can be done in small spaces if you put your mind to it. One summer we did a lot of growing, and it was the only time Amelia ate cucumber. “I don’t like cucumber…but I am having some of this..because it’s OURS!” (And so she did) My friends little boy eats french beans raw off the vine- she said it took a couple of years but now her sons (aged 5 and 3) mosy round the veggie patch and forage themselves an on-the-spot-salad. They definitely take a special interest in food they have helped raise up.As do we all  🙂

4. Eat ’em   I don’t think we can expect children to share our taste for everything, as our palates seem to mature to appreciate bitter, stronger flavours with time, but I think the more they see us enjoy eating veggies, pulses, beans, salads, fruits, nuts and seeds, the more likely it is that they will eat them too. With very young children this is definitely true- haven’t you noticed how they always want what’s on your plate?

It took my girls a long, LONG time before they would even consider trying a green smoothie, even though I insisted it didn’t taste funny, but day after day they saw me enjoying them and finally curiosity got the better of them. For breastfeeding mothers, as I understand it, they will be more likely to appreciate a wide range of flavours if you have been eating those things while nursing, as it actually changes the subtle flavour of your milk.

5. Market ’em I know someone who serves their children “cheese on the trees” (broccoli trees with a little melted cheese on top) One halloween we did “Spooky trees on green noodles” (click for details) and somehow they were more excited to eat purple cauliflower and romanesco broccoli because that day they were not cruciferous veggies, they were “spooky trees”.  My daughters love frozen strawberries stuck on a cocktail stick because it’s like a lollipop (their invention) Green smoothies taste better in a wine glass or with a straw (fact!) I appreciate that these marketing tips work better for smaller children, but you may be surprised……

6.Blend ’em, juice’em  You would not believe how excited my 2 year old son is to feed things into the juicer. He drinks the greenest concoctions on occasion. “More green juice” he said once. He never said it again….but- HOW COOL  🙂  And if you read this blog regularly you know how I feel about blended greens. It may not be a huge quantity but it’s always great when your child can have a small handful of leaves per day- and enjoy it!

7. Chop ’em fine.  “Rainbow rice” or couscous (recommended- brown rice or wholewheat couscous)  Throw in finely chopped carrot, peas, corn, red pepper, broccoli, red cabbage(prawns always go down well too!)- in short- whatever you have, making sure there are plenty of colours and that they like most of it, though not necessarily all of it 🙂 When they invariably sniff out what they don’t like (because we all know they can spot an unwanted particle at 50 paces)- just say “Come on, it’s so small, you won’t even notice- mix it up with some other stuff you like!”

8. Have ’em help. In the same way that they take more interest when they have grown the plant, sometimes it can definitely make a difference when they have helped cook or prepare it. Have them choose out something new (or familiar) and look up a recipe online and help you make it.

9.Rotate ’em  Don’t they say a child has to be exposed, what is it,up to 7 times to something before they can get a taste for it? Just because they don’t seem to like something, doesn’t mean you can’t/shouldn’t try again later. I am seriously amazed that chickpeas are growing on Ellie, she used to almost shed tears if they turned up, and the other day she was shovelling them in without a word. I mean, actually shovelling. (They were in rice. It’s all about packaging?!) We can all think of foods that we used to dislike that have slowly grown on us over time.

Finally, number 10: Don’t expect ’em to like everything. We all have our personal preferences and tastes even as adults. I guess we need to respect that too. I am sure you will find that balance in your home. Meanwhile:

Speak up! Share if you have any tips, thoughts, insights or ideas- I am sure we can all learn a lot from each other.


Please feel free to share ideas that have worked for you and your family.

With love. x

What is your why?

Why do you want to eat and drink cleaner and greener?

Some people will answer “to lose weight”. Now ask yourself the same question again . There must be another reason, or you may as well do Slimfast, Weightwatchers or Atkins Diet, right?

Why else do you feel drawn to cleaning up your diet?  Why would you choose eating cleaner as a weight loss method, over one of the “diets on the market”?

Collect together all your reasonings, which may or may not be some of the following:


  • Strengthen my immune system
  • Flush out toxins by eating more water based fruit and veg
  • Give my liver a break!
  • Give my pancreas a break!
  • Clear my skin up
  • Help my body to deal more efficiently with (xyz) chronic condition
  • To help my digestion
  • I want to give my body clean fuel for my workouts
  • I suspect that an excess of (processed food/meat/fried foods/dairy/white carbs/sugar) is causing/aggravating my problem with………..
  • I remember when I ate cleaner and my energy levels were much better
  • Better concentration levels/mental clarity
  • I hate having brain fog around 3pm every day
  • I can’t even focus on my studies when I need sugar/Coke /…….(insert)
  • I want to help my family eat better as a whole and I need to set the example
  • Eating more plants over meat as a compassionate choice
  • Eating closer to the earth “just feels right”
  • I think eating healthy will make me feel better in myself generally
  • I remember when I ate really well and I just felt good inside
  • I am sick of craving junk food (this is also physical)
  • I feel out of control with some food addictions
  • To care better for my body which houses my spirit/inner self

Whatever your “WHY” is, THE BIGGER, THE BETTER!! The greater and deeper your desire to clean up how you eat, the easier it will be to make the transition (which is a journey with inevitable ups, downs, pitfalls, and experimentations with what is “right” for you…….)

Please allow me to link to some previous posts I have written. Here’s hoping they may help.

“I wish I could enjoy healthy food, I just prefer junk!”  An empowering discovery I made

“Is it really true what they say about sugar affecting our mood/emotional well-being?”  Yes, it is. read this!

“Should I do one of those detox cleanse things?”  Read this

“But I love chocolate!” Try this

“But I love baking!” Me too!

“I miss my old stuff, this is not fun!”  If you’re not having fun, read this!

“I want to make healthy juices but I don’t have a juicer!”  This will start you off

Enjoy the journey!

Things that work together

Strawberries and summer days. Crunchy autumn leaves and cosy walking boots. Great music and closed eyes. Friends and laughter. Painted toenails and summer sandals. Mango and spinach. Did I lose you on the last one?

A sweet ripe mango +  water +  2 handfuls of raw babyleaf spinach is the simplest of all green smoothies. They work together. You will love it. And best of all:  it will love you right back!

Here are some green combinations that work together. Required: Blender

  • Mango, spinach (Alternative: Substitute the water for fresh orange juice, and a squeeze of lemon if you wish. A glug of “not from concentrate” smoothie can help give it a lift if you are beginning and/or in a hurryAnd if you crazy busy in the mornings, and are blessed enough to be able to access frozen mango chunks, you save yourself some work- just thaw a cupfull the night before.) 
  • Ripe pear, kiwi, squeeze of lime, spinach/kale
  • Cantaloupe melon, apple, spinach  (add half a ripe avocado for a creamy drink)
  • Oranges (whole), ripe banana, frozen strawberries, spinach or other greens
  • Orange, lemon, pineapple, greens (like the “orange lemon and pienapple” you used to drink as a kid. Only not…)
  • Pineapple, frozen blueberries, greens
  • Mango, apples, lemon juice, greens

If you blend up a concoction and you are not keen on it, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater-just work it out: what does it need?

  • Too thick and gloopy? Add water or fruit juice or a glug of quality smoothie
  • Too watery? Add half  a banana, or a chopped apple. If using water (recommended) only add enough to get the blender going at first or you will dilute all that lovely fruitiness too much
  • Not sweet enough? Add ripe banana, a strawberry or three, or a little fruit-only juce/smoothie
  • Still not sweet enough? Add some honey or maple syrup.
  • Not quite “something” enough? Sometimes a squeeze of lemon is just what it needs. It’s like the salt of green smoothies.
  • Too “green” for your taste? This is not a usual scenario as most people start quite cautiously!  Kale is strong but even that you can end up enjoying.
  • Too sweet? Maybe you could try savoury smoothies: (Details via this link) or a home-made gazpacho for breakfast (Click for recipe)

I don’t even know if you like painted toenails and summer sandals (on yourself, or others)

but I highly recommend you start whizzing up green smoothies.

It’s a no-brainer delicious way of consuming plenty of fruit and raw greens and helping your children do the same. If they are very small you won’t even have to convince them, just insert straw.

And unlike summer sandals (which I sometimes wonder if I will get out this year) you can love them every day of the year. To your health!! (And fingers crossed for a decent UK summer!)